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Rabbit Anti-ATP1A1  antibody (bs-4255R)
訂購QQ:  400-901-9800
說明書: 50ul  100ul  500ul

產(chǎn)品編號 bs-4255R
英文名稱 Rabbit Anti-ATP1A1  antibody
中文名稱 鈉鉀ATP酶蛋白a1(內(nèi)參)抗體
別    名 alpha 1 Sodium Potassium ATPase; A1A1; AT1A1; AT1A1_HUMAN; Atpa-1; ATPase Na+/K+ transporting alpha 1 polypeptide; ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 1; BC010319; EC; MGC3285; MGC38419; MGC51750; Na K ATPase alpha A catalytic polypeptide; Na K ATPase catalytic subunit alpha A protein; Na(+)/K(+) ATPase 1; Na(+)/K(+) ATPase alpha-1 subunit; Na+, K+ ATPase alpha subunit; Na+/K+ ATPase alpha 1 subunit; Na+/K+ ATPase 1; Na,K ATPase alpha 1 subunit; Nkaa1b; Sodium potassium ATPase alpha 1 polypeptide; Sodium pump 1; Sodium pump subunit alpha-1; sodium-potassium ATPase catalytic subunit alpha-1; Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1.  
Specific References  (3)     |     bs-4255R has been referenced in 3 publications.
[IF=6.044] Zhang WN et al. Structural characterization and in vitro hypoglycemic activity of a glucan from Euryale ferox Salisb. seeds. Carbohydr Polym. 2019 Apr 1;209:363-371.  WB ;  Human.  
[IF=3.391] Shanshan Wu et al. Disrupted potassium ion homeostasis in ciliary muscle in negative lens-induced myopia in Guinea pigs. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2020 Jul 30;688:108403.  WB ;  guinea pigs.  
[IF=3.098] Zhang et al. Astragalus Polysaccharide Improves Insulin Sensitivity via AMPK Activation in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. (2018) Molecules. 23  WB ;  Mouse.  
產(chǎn)品類型 內(nèi)參抗體 
研究領(lǐng)域 腫瘤  免疫學(xué)  神經(jīng)生物學(xué)  信號轉(zhuǎn)導(dǎo)  通道蛋白  
抗體來源 Rabbit
克隆類型 Polyclonal
交叉反應(yīng) Human,Mouse (predicted: Rat,Rabbit,Pig,Chicken,GuineaPig)
產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用 WB=1:500-2000,ELISA=1:5000-10000
not yet tested in other applications.
optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
理論分子量 113kDa
細(xì)胞定位 細(xì)胞膜 
性    狀 Liquid
濃    度 1mg/ml
免 疫 原 KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from human ATP1A1: 901-1023/1023 <Extracellular>
亞    型 IgG
純化方法 affinity purified by Protein A
緩 沖 液 0.01M TBS (pH7.4) with 1% BSA, 0.02% Proclin300 and 50% Glycerol.
保存條件 Shipped at 4℃. Store at -20℃ for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
注意事項 This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
PubMed PubMed
產(chǎn)品介紹 The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the family of P-type cation transport ATPases, and to the subfamily of Na+/K+-ATPases. Na+/K+ -ATPase is an integral membrane protein responsible for establishing and maintaining the electrochemical gradients of Na and K ions across the plasma membrane. These gradients are essential for osmoregulation, for sodium-coupled transport of a variety of organic and inorganic molecules, and for electrical excitability of nerve and muscle. This enzyme is composed of two subunits, a large catalytic subunit (alpha) and a smaller glycoprotein subunit (beta). The catalytic subunit of Na+/K+ -ATPase is encoded by multiple genes. This gene encodes an alpha 1 subunit. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, May2009].

This is the non-catalytic component of the active enzyme, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP coupled with the exchange of Na(+) and K(+) ions across the plasma membrane. The beta subunit regulates, through assembly of alpha/beta heterodimers, the number of sodium pumps transported to the plasma membrane.

Interacts with SIK1. Composed of three subunits: alpha (catalytic), beta and gamma. Binds the HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DR1.

Subcellular Location:
Cell membrane; Multi-pass membrane protein. Melanosome.

Tissue Specificity:
Found in most tissues.

Post-translational modifications:
Phosphorylation on Tyr-10 modulates pumping activity. Dephosphorylation by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) following increases in intracellular sodium, leading to increase catalytic activity.

Belongs to the cation transport ATPase (P-type) (TC 3.A.3) family. Type IIC subfamily.


Gene ID:

Database links:

Entrez Gene: 476 Human

Entrez Gene: 11928 Mouse

Entrez Gene: 24211 Rat

Omim: 182310 Human

SwissProt: P05023 Human

SwissProt: Q8VDN2 Mouse

SwissProt: P06685 Rat

Unigene: 371889 Human

Unigene: 280103 Mouse

Unigene: 217534 Rat

Unigene: 2992 Rat

鈉鉀ATP酶是位于細(xì)胞膜上的一種糖蛋白,與ATP 的分解和細(xì)胞內(nèi)外鈉、鉀離子的轉(zhuǎn)運密切相關(guān),哺乳動物各種組織細(xì)胞的鈉鉀ATP 酶的免疫學(xué)特性基本相同。
Sample: Lovo(Human) Cell Lysate at 30 ug Cerebrum (Mouse) Lysate at 40 ug Primary: Anti- ATP1A1 (bs-4255R) at 1/1000 dilution Secondary: IRDye800CW Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG at 1/20000 dilution Predicted band size: 113 kD Observed band size: 113 kD
版權(quán)所有 2004-2026 北京博奧森生物技術(shù)有限公司
通過國際質(zhì)量管理體系ISO 9001:2015 GB/T 19001-2016    證書編號: 00124Q34771R2M/1100
通過國際醫(yī)療器械-質(zhì)量管理體系ISO 13485:2016 GB/T 42061-2022    證書編號: CQC24QY10047R0M/1100
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