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Rabbit Anti-BrdU(Proliferation Marker)  antibody (bs-0489R)
訂購QQ:  400-901-9800
說明書: 50ul  100ul  200ul
產(chǎn)品編號 bs-0489R
英文名稱 Rabbit Anti-BrdU(Proliferation Marker)  antibody
中文名稱 5-溴脫氧尿嘧啶核苷(增殖標志物)抗體
別    名 Bromodeoxyuridine; Bromodeoxyuridine; 5-Bromo-2′-deoxyuridine; 5-BrdU; Proliferation Marker; 5-Bromo-2-deoxyUridine.  
Specific References  (8)     |     bs-0489R has been referenced in 8 publications.
[IF=12.121] Victoria Gudi?o. et al. RAC1B modulates intestinal tumourigenesis via modulation of WNT and EGFR signalling pathways. Nat Commun. 2021 Apr;12(1):1-17  IHC ;  Mouse.  
[IF=10.479] Shiyun Chen. et al. Targeted delivery of Chinese herb pair-based berberine/tannin acid self-assemblies for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. J Adv Res. 2021 Nov;:  IF ;  Mouse.  
[IF=4.652] Chen et al. Sodium iodate influences the apoptosis, proliferation and differentiation potential of radial glial cells in vitro. (2014) Cell.Physiol.Bioche. 34:1109-24  IF(ICC) ;  Rat.  
[IF=3.73] Giuliani, Daniela, et al. "NDP-α-MSH induces intense neurogenesis and cognitive recovery in Alzheimer transgenic mice through activation of melanocortin MC 4 receptors." Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (2015).  IHC-P ;  Mouse.  
[IF=3.3] Zhang et al. Hydrogen-rich water protects against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. (2015) World.J.Gastroenterol. 21:4195-209  IHC ;  Mouse.  
[IF=3.171] Jian Zhang. et al. Collagen/heparan sulfate porous scaffolds loaded with neural stem cells improve neurological function in a rat model of traumatic brain injury. Neural Regen Res. 2021 Jun;16(6):1068  IHC ;  Rat.  
[IF=2.34] Zhang, Rui, et al. "Neuroprotective Effects of Sulforaphane on Cholinergic Neurons in Mice with Alzheimer’s Disease-Like Lesions." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15.8 (2014): 14396-14410.  IHC-P ;  Mouse.  
[IF=1.015] Rongxue Wei. et al. Role of FoxO1 and insulin on cell proliferation mediated by Sirt1 in goose primary hepatocytes. J Appl Poultry Res. 2021 Jun;30:100144  IHC ;  Goose.  
產(chǎn)品類型 小分子抗體 
研究領域 細胞生物  細胞類型標志物  
抗體來源 Rabbit
克隆類型 Polyclonal
交叉反應 (predicted: Human,BrdU)
產(chǎn)品應用 ELISA=1:5000-10000
not yet tested in other applications.
optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
理論分子量 .3071kDa
細胞定位 細胞核 
性    狀 Liquid
濃    度 1mg/ml
免 疫 原 KLH conjugated Brdu 
亞    型 IgG
純化方法 affinity purified by Protein A
緩 沖 液 0.01M TBS (pH7.4) with 1% BSA, 0.02% Proclin300 and 50% Glycerol.
保存條件 Shipped at 4℃. Store at -20℃ for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
注意事項 This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
PubMed PubMed
產(chǎn)品介紹 The immunocytochemical detection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporated into DNA is a powerful tool to study the cytokinetics of normal and neoplastic cells. In vitro or in vivo labeling of tumor cells with the thymidine analogue BrdU and the subsequent detection of incorporated BrdU with specific anti-BrdU monoclonal antibodies is an accurate and comprehensive method to quantitate the degree of DNA-synthesis.
BrdU is incorporated into the newly synthezised DNA of S-phase cells may provide an estimate for the fraction of cells in S-phase. Also dynamic proliferative information such as the S-phase transit rate and the potential doubling time can be obtained, by means of bivariate BrdU/DNA flow cytometric analysis

Subcellular Location:



Proliferation Marker
BrdU(溴化脫氧尿嘧啶核苷)可以在體內(nèi)和體外摻入到處于S期的細胞所合成的DNA鏈中。 此抗體可以與摻入到任何種屬細胞中的BrdU反應,與碘脫氧尿 嘧啶有交叉反應,標記摻有BrdU的S期細胞,主要用于研究各種 不同的因素對正常/腫瘤組織的細胞增殖及動力學的研究。
用FITC標記的抗BrdU IgG可用于流式細胞術定量檢測增值細胞。
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